Pawpaw Seed Planting Instructions:
Do not let the seeds dry out. If seeds are non-stratified (from current year’s harvest) plant during the Fall season directly in the ground where you want them to grow. If you’re not ready to plant, store in a refrigerator with temperatures between 33 and 40 degrees F. The seeds need a minimum of 90 days of chilling temperatures above freezing, this is known as stratification. Remember don’t let the seeds dry out. Keep moist but not wet. You can do this by adding a damp medium, such as sand or paper towel, in your seed container. If fungal buildup occurs simply rinse off with water. When planting in a pot choose a deep 12+ inch pot to accommodate the pawpaw’s deep tap root. Temperature and moisture are key elements for germination. Germination time can be sped up by starting seeds in a heated home, greenhouse or incorporating a heating mat.