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Ramp Seeds


Ramps (allium tricoccum) are a perennial plant and among the first green plants to pop up in the woods during Springtime. They are a delicate plant resembling the flavor of a leek or shallot but more pungent. Ramps are excellent on pizza, in pestos, butters or as a fresh topping on salads. Ramps are found in the wild from hardiness zones 3-7.

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Planting Instructions

Choose a well-drained site with rich, moist soil high in organic matter. Under a forest canopy is ideal or partial shade is required. Sow seeds thinly on top of the ground pressing them gently into the soil and cover with leaves. Be patient, Ramp seeds can take 6 to 18 months to germinate. If there is not an adequate warm period after sowing, the seed will not germinate until the second Spring.

From seed, plants can take 7 years to mature and up to 5 years before they produce a bloom and seed.

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1/8oz package

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